Photography of pupils in schools is subject to GDPR 2016. Protecting the privacy of individuals and families. As well as these statutory rights, restrictions on photography arise from issues of child protection and copyright on performances. The term photograph covers any form of visual imaging, whether on film or in digital format. ‘In school’ is whenever and wherever pupils are the responsibility of the school.
• To protect the right of parents to consent to their child/children being photographed for particular purposes at RBMS.
• Emphasise the RBMS’s protective ethos towards pupils in respect of potential inappropriate use of visual images of children.
• Avoid children being distracted by photographic activity during events.
• Enable all visitors at school productions to enjoy the event without the distraction of others taking photographs or videos near them
• Allow personal family photography where possible
Parental consent: All parents are asked to give their consent for photography of their child by completing an online permission form that is kept on file. A register is kept of children who must not be included in photographs or videos.
• RBMS will only take and use images that are appropriate and are considered to not be open to misuse.
• If an image of a child is used, the child’s name will not be published. If a name is published, no image will be used without specific consent.
• Children and their parents/legal guardian will be made aware of why their picture is being taken and how it will be used.
• RBMS will ensure that images of a single child with no surrounding context of what they are learning or doing will be avoided.
• RBMS recognises that images must not be used to cause distress, upset or embarrassment.
• Photographs must be destroyed or deleted from databases once they are no longer required for the purpose for which they were taken.
• The storage of electronic images will be regularly reviewed. Photographs of children are used minimally and anonymously on our website. Parents have a right to have any photo of their child removed from the website.
By agreeing to this policy you agree the following:
•RBMS may use the photos/ videos on their website and on social media
•RBMS may use the photos/ videos for promotional materials, publications, in articles and potential publicity/ marketing purposes
•Photos/ videos may be shared with media or local press
•I can withdraw consent for this at any time. I can email if I change my mind. Note: this will not apply to material already published as RBMS cannot control already published material or recall them.